This is the city of the dead. A family will own a plot of land here for the burial of their loved ones in a tomb or mausoleum. It’s kind of creepy but cool in it’s own way.

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  1. They call it marketing while you call it emoniotal abuse. The question is who is right and whether ethics is at stake.The Funeral home sorts thru databases of citizens of the county to determine their target market, meaning, those citizens who are most likely to respond to the solicitation thus resulting in business. Clearly, if they do not target elderly citizens and send random messages to everyone, their marketing costs will be much higher and their conversion rate much lower. That would result in an increase in costs for their services which, in turn, may cause many potential customers to go for something less expensive. How else would they go about it? Freeway billboards, radio ads, newspaper ads. True, those are viable alternatives bun no less offensive then the letter that you have received.From your perspective, they are one of many who are constantly reminding you that you will be dieing soon. Enough is enough! It is hard enough to be old and deal with all the aches and pains. You, too are right. And, yes, they are bold because being bold is really the most efficient way of doing their job.It is unfortunate and I deeply feel for you.The best way to deal with them is to completely dismiss their forays. They will not get any business from you, plus you punish them by letting them to continue sending you letters (which is costly to them) all along knowing that you will not end up giving them any business.

  2. I haven’t had a chance to visit osdtiue the US yet, but I’ve been all over in the states. I’d love to go on an African safari someday!! The mosquitoes & bugs would terrify me (and I’m allergic to mosquitoes so that would suck lol) but to be IN the wild with all these massive dangerous creatures would be an amazing experience, & I’d do SO much photography!! Someday!

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