This is a shot in the local Khan el-Khalili market. They sold all types of souveniers, cloths, and random stuff. I love the eclectiveness of the local markets, it’s fun to get into the culture rather than shopping at the malls.
I’ve become a big fan of trying local food and let me tell you, Egypt has some good food. This here is called Koshary, it’s basically a mixture of pasta, rice, a tomato sauce, and friend onion strips in a bowl. This is a restaurant I visited that had the ingredients seperated apart before concoting the dish.
Here is a shot of Cairo at night, pretty spectacular. The tall building is Cairo tower.
I was in Egypt during the month of Ramadan and being that Egypt is predominantly Muslim, they were obviously observing the holiday. At night there would be these juice stands set up on the streets for when the sun went down and they broke fast.
I thought this local shop was cool. They sold all sorts of grains, seeds, and nuts.